T.Challenge 5 分鐘衍生性金融商品 - 使用者投資額預測

[主題] T.Challenge


[簡介] 5 分鐘衍生性金融商品 - 使用者投資額預測


T.Challenge 是個數據分析預測競賽。由鈦坦科技第三方合作廠商提供的六個月間「5 分鐘快速結算」之衍生性金融商品歷史紀錄作為訓練資料,參賽者要在透過這些歷史資料預測另外一個月使用者的投資額。




[報名時程] 即日起至 8/14 截止。

[注意事項] 比賽平台將在報名截止後寄發網址及專屬帳號密碼。

[活動賽程] 8/20-9/30,10/23 頒獎與交流會。

[頒獎地點] PCBC 犇亞會議中心


  1. Training Data,約 4.6GB,過去某六個月的使用者投資紀錄。

  2. Instruction,解釋各欄位數值所代表的意義。

  3. Testing Data,約 500MB,參賽者們所要預測的使用者資料。



  1. 組隊報名,每隊 2~5 人,須年滿 20 歲。

  2. 下載 T.Challenge 為大家準備的資料。

  3. 上傳預測結果,我們將隨機抽出 30% 測試資料作 MSE 分數計算,並將結果即時更新到積分排行榜 Leaderboard。每隊每天限上傳 10 次。

  4. 比賽結束後我們將比對所有的測試資料,計算總成績,超過 Benchmark 者取前三名頒獎並與大家分享模型。

  5. 報名隊伍少於五隊時,主辦單位有權取消比賽。新加坡商鈦坦科技股份有限公司台灣分公司保留修改活動與獎項細節權利,無須事前通知,並有權對本活動所有事宜作出解釋或裁決。



  1. 依 MSE 計分,第一名隊伍頒發新台幣三萬元,第二名頒發新台幣一萬五千元,第三名頒發新台幣七千五百元。

  2. 得獎隊伍需繳交模型、程式碼、參與分享活動。

  3. 依稅法規定,得獎價值超過新台幣1,000元以上者,需繳交身分證影本報稅使用,贈品價值超過新台幣20,000元以上,依法須負擔10%機會中獎稅,並於次年度寄發所得稅扣(免)繳憑單。


[Title] T.Challenge


[Brief] Investment Prediction of 5-minutes Financial Derivatives


T.Challenge is a Data Prediction Contest. Six months of historical records of investment amounts in Financial Derivatives are provided by a third-party partner of Titansoft Pte Ltd. Contestants are invited to predict users’ investment amounts within the following month.


Are you ready to gear up for this big T.Challenge, all data science enthusiasts?


[Time] Registration starts from to today until Aug 14.

[Notice] Contest platform will be informed along with exclusive account and password after registration is closed.


  1. Training Data (~4.6 GB) offers users’ investment records in the past six months.

  2. Instruction explains meanings of each column in the training data.

  3. Testing Data (~500MB) lists users’ investment records in the following one month, while leaving their investment amounts for contestants to predict.



  1. Each team accomodates 1 to 5 contestants, aging at least 20 years old.

  2. Download datasets offered by T.Challenge.

  3. Upload your predictions. We will randomly sample 30% testing data to calcuate your score based on MSE measurement, and update your score to the Leaderboard. Each team can upload 10 times per day.

  4. Final scores are evaluated based on entire testing data when the competition ends. Top three teams who exceeds the given benchmark will be awarded.

  5. Organizer has the right to call off the contest as registrations are less than five teams. Titansoft Pte Ltd reserves the right to change, amend, modify, suspend, continue or terminate all or any part of the Plan either in an individual case or in general, at any time without notice.



  1. Scores are evaluated based on MSE measurement. The 1st place will be awarded NTD 30,000. NTD 15,000 for the 2nd and NTD 7,500 for the 3rd place respectively.

  2. Models, source code, and sharing should be attributed to the organizer by winners.

  3. Taxing regulations should be obeyed according to the Law.

Event Tickets

Ticket Type Sale Period Price

2016/07/14 00:00(+0800) ~ 2016/08/14 23:50(+0800) End of Sale
  • Free
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